How Common is the First Name Xyliah?
We estimate that there are 23 people named Xyliah who are currently alive and were born in the United States. Xyliah is the 41,022nd most common for women, and the 60,303rd most common overall.
How Old are People Named Xyliah?
The average person named Xyliah is 5.34 years old.
Is Xyliah a Popular Baby Name Right Now?
7 people named Xyliah were born in the U.S. in 2023. It was the 12,134th most popular name for girls, and the 20,191st most popular overall.
Xyliah has never been more popular than it is right now.
Is Xyliah a Boy's Name or a Girl's Name?
Xyliah is almost exclusively a female name. The Social Security Administration does not record any males born with the name Xyliah.