How Common is the First Name Kristi?
We estimate that there are 71,893 people named Kristi who are currently alive and were born in the United States. Kristi is the 377th most common for women, and the 701st most common overall.
How Old are People Named Kristi?
The average person named Kristi is 47.54 years old.
Is Kristi a Popular Baby Name Right Now?
15 people named Kristi were born in the U.S. in 2023. It was the 7,207th most popular name for girls, and the 12,386th most popular overall.
The popularity of Kristi peaked in 1978, when it was the 98th most popular name for baby girls.
Is Kristi a Boy's Name or a Girl's Name?
Kristi is almost exclusively a female name. 99.8% of people named Kristi are female.