Woodrow as a First Name

How Common is the First Name Woodrow?

We estimate that there are 9,854 people named Woodrow who are currently alive and were born in the United States. Woodrow is the 1,047th most common for men, and the 2,419th most common overall.

How Old are People Named Woodrow?

The average person named Woodrow is 56.68 years old.

Is Woodrow a Popular Baby Name Right Now?

84 people named Woodrow were born in the U.S. in 2023. It was the 1,869th most popular name for boys, and the 3,988th most popular overall.

The popularity of Woodrow peaked in 1913, when it was the 44th most popular name for baby boys.

Is Woodrow a Boy's Name or a Girl's Name?

Woodrow is almost exclusively a male name. 99.9% of people named Woodrow are male.

Facts About the Name Woodrow

Popularity of Woodrow in England

In 2020, Woodrow was the in England and Wales.