How Common is the First Name Aric?
We estimate that there are 7,206 people named Aric who are currently alive and were born in the United States. Aric is the 1,239th most common for men, and the 2,925th most common overall.
How Old are People Named Aric?
The average person named Aric is 33.31 years old.
Is Aric a Popular Baby Name Right Now?
32 people named Aric were born in the U.S. in 2023. It was the 3,546th most popular name for boys, and the 7,585th most popular overall.
The popularity of Aric peaked in 1977, when it was the 502nd most popular name for baby boys.
Is Aric a Boy's Name or a Girl's Name?
Aric is almost exclusively a male name. More than 99.9% of people named Aric are male.