Country Names as First Names

What countries of the world are used as first names by at least 100 people in the United States? Here is a full list.

Note: The numbers below are an estimate of people currently alive as of 2020.

Country / Name# People% Male
Jordan 512,278 74.21
Chad 225,380 99.56
Georgia 79,142 0.22
Israel 62,908 97.64
Kenya 26,478 7.59
India 21,864 0.12
Malaysia 9,995 0.00
Ireland 6,125 1.89
Egypt 4,772 14.16
China 4,230 0.23
Italy 1,844 0.00
Dominica 1,801 0.00
Iran 1,613 74.65
Jamaica 1,524 2.29
Mali 1,315 4.72
Taiwan 865 92.14
Nigeria 793 0.00
France 695 12.34
Tanzania 651 0.00
Brazil 616 8.38
Germany 605 31.56
Tunisia 569 0.00
Syria 547 0.00
Argentina 302 0.00
Cyprus 221 93.24
Australia 167 0.02
Thailand 155 89.72
Tonga 146 0.00
Morocco 119 100.00
Cuba 119 22.47
Somalia 112 0.00
Russia 103 0.00